A noisy garage door in Rancho Cordova, CA can drive even the most patient person a little crazy. The screeching din can be a huge annoyance, and can also help indicate that there might be other maintenance issues on the scene that you’ll want to address accordingly. nine times out of 10, we find out the problem is issues with the track of the garage door, but there can be a number of issues leading to this. Some easy DIY tips can help you figure out what the problem is, and there are also some simple fixes you can try to see if you can solve the issue on your own.
Tighten it up
If you have a squeaky garage door in Rancho Cordova, CA, the first thing you’ll want to do is make sure that all metallic parts are tightened and in good working order. Look carefully at all of the nuts and bolts on the door and make sure they’re all nice and tightened. Additionally, when you’re going through these checks, make sure none of the pieces are worn out. If any of them are, they might need replacement. If so, then you’ll likely want to get in touch with the pros at Action Door Service to plan next steps on replacement of parts.
Check for worn equipment
When you’re checking for worn equipment, there’s a number of things you’ll want to keep an eye on. Rollers and hinges are going to be the most likely culprits here that might need replacing. Many garage doors have bearings that are unsealed, and this can lead to some real racket over the years—a very noisy garage door in Rancho Cordova, CA is usually the result. The wear and tear will make these bearings wobbly, and if this is the case with your door, then you’ll want to look into replacing them with sealed bearings on nylon rollers.
Grease can go a long way
Garage doors contain a lot of metal, so sometimes a noisy garage door in Rancho Cordova, CA can be easily attributed to metal parts grinding against each other. This can often be solved easily by using some grease or other lubricant. You can use a vinyl glove and squeeze grease onto your hand before wiping it on the garage door track. You’ll also want to make sure that the grease is spreading out smoothly, so activate the door and let it go up and down several times to make sure the lubricant is distributed appropriately.
A noisy garage door is annoying, but it’s hardly the end of the world. Some basic maintenance and fixes can go a long way, but if your investigation reveals a larger problem, then you’ll want to call up a team of garage door professionals to figure out next steps. At Action Door Service, we have the experience to make a plan to get your doors back into fighting shape as soon as possible. Call us anytime to schedule an appointment or get more information about our services.