A remote operated garage door is a convenience that many homeowners appreciate, so when it gets damaged or components malfunction, you’re likely to notice. With that in mind, here are five common problems you might encounter with your residential garage doors in Rancho Cordova, CA:
- Garage door opener fails to work as it should: Your garage door opener—not the remote, but the motorized device attached to the garage ceiling—is the part of the system that opens and closes the garage door. The opener saves you from having to operate the door manually, getting in and out of your car to raise and lower it, which is a major reason you should act quickly when it doesn’t work properly.
- Bent tracks: The sides of your garage door are fitted with rollers that move along tracks—there’s one on each side—to guide the sizable door up and down in a smooth manner. But bent tracks can put a stop to proper function, causing more problems than just the inconvenience of not being able to use your garage door. The entire system, mechanical elements and aesthetics, may need repairs or replacement. Tracks get bent because of age, weather warping, being bumped by cars and even hanging things from the tracks.
- Damaged panels: No matter what material your garage door is made of, damage to panels will happen. A lot of impact can happen on the outside of your garage door, from kids shooting hoops on the driveway to bicycles or cars failing to brake in time. When something bumps into your garage door panels, damage occurs, and it’s often more than just cosmetic damage. Should damaged panels begin to bend and warp, be aware that these are often precursors to bigger issues. Schedule a time for an expert to determine whether you need to replace your garage door.
- Improper door insulation: Since residential garage doors in Rancho Cordova, CA are often entryways into homes, doors should be insulated to keep the temperature under control. You don’t want the weather coming inside your home every time you open the interior door leading from your garage to the house. Popular insulation materials for garage doors, just as for wood and steel doors, include polystyrene foam insulation panels and polyurethane foam that expands and bonds when applied.
- Not replacing the weather seal: Like the weather stripping around your home’s windows and doors, your garage door also needs to be weather sealed. A simple rubber strip, manufactured specifically for this purpose, is installed on the bottom of the heavy door to fill the small gap between your closed garage door and the floor. Intact weather stripping will seal out weather elements such as rain, snow, wind and heat, but weather stripping doesn’t last forever, as it will crumble apart from years of working hard to protect your garage against the seasons. Inspect weather stripping on a regular basis and replace when deep cracks begin to show.
When your garage door is acting up, or if you’ve noticed obvious damage, contact the team at Action Door Service to find out about door repair and replacement options for residential garage doors in Rancho Cordova, CA.