If there is one word that no homeowner wants to utter or even hear, it’s “replacement.” It’s one of those words that makes a homeowner cringe at the thought of it, but unfortunately garage door replacement in Rancho Cordova, CA is unavoidable.
Garage doors sustain heavy amounts of abuse and stress on a daily basis. Whether it’s the simple opening and closing of it, or the natural elements, your garage door is exposed to a ton of wear and tear over the years. Although regular maintenance and checkups are incredibly important, there will come a time when maintenance just isn’t enough and a replacement is necessary.
When can you tell that a replacement is needed? Well, there are a few scenarios where replacing your garage door is likely your best option.
Buying or updating your home. Buying or updating your home is a great time to replace that garage door. When buying, you probably won’t know the last time the door was replaced and you’d rather be safe than sorry, so replacing it would be your best option. On the other end of the spectrum, updating your home and making improvements is also a great time to replace it. Whether you are updating because you are getting ready to sell or you’re replacing it because it needs it, making cosmetic updates to your home definitely increases its value if you do reach a point of wanting to sell.
Existing garage door is worn down. If you have lived in your home for a very long time and your existing garage door is more than 15-20 years old, it’s definitely time for a replacement. Although it may still be functioning properly, as it gets older there will need to be more and more maintenance done which will get to a point where it would save you money by replacing the entire door all at once.
Major damage occurs. Now we get to the most obvious reason for replacing your garage door: major damage. Unfortunately, accidents happen—accidents like a car backing into it or maybe a bad storm hitting your area causing a tree to fall on it. These types of things happen and when they do, no amount of maintenance is worth the time, effort or money. At that point it is best to replace it to ensure that it continues to work correctly.
Ultimately, when you feel the time is coming for a garage door replacement in Rancho Cordova, CA, it’s best to consult a professional prior to doing any sort of repairs or replacing the door because it will help you to determine costs and timelines for your choice. If you choose not to consult a professional, you could potentially make an uneducated decision which will end up costing you way more time and money than necessary, which we all know is not ideal. Work with your local garage door contractors and determine the best route for you to go when dealing with your garage door.