You always want to be able to have access to your garage doors. Most garage doors these days come with automated push button controllers that you can just mount on your car’s sun visor and forget about, or simply program directly into the instrument panel. However, you won’t always be in your car when you arrive at home—perhaps you’re on your bike or on foot, or are driving a rental car. You want to be sure you maintain access to the garage no matter what the situation may be, and garage door keypads in Rancho Cordova, CA are a great way of ensuring constant access to your garage and, if you have an attached garage, your home.
Convenience and security
If your garage connects directly to your home, investing in a garage door keypad in Rancho Cordova, CA means it’ll be a whole lot harder to accidentally lock yourself out of the house. Additionally, let’s say your car blows a fuse or has some other type of electrical problem—it’s certainly not out of the question as cars get more and more technologically advanced and complex. This can affect your ability to open the garage door from the car, so you want to be certain that you have an alternative means of opening and accessing your garage should such a situation ever arise.
You can also rest easy knowing your kids can get in if they’ve been dropped off and you’re not at home—kids are notorious for forgetting their keys, so a keypad helps guarantee they can get safely into the home.
Potential cons
There are unfortunately a few cons that land on the opposing side of these garage door keypad pros in Rancho Cordova, CA. First of all, it could theoretically be possible for a hacker to gain access to a wireless panel that relies on internet service to function properly. Additionally, it’s possible for someone watching you to figure out your keycode and then use that information to gain access to your garage and/or home. The trick is to just make sure you’re always covering your keypad when you punch in your code, in which case you’re much more likely to be safe in this respect.
Trust the pros
You might think installing garage door keypads could be a DIY job, but it’s really something you’ll want to leave to the pros. A lot of people are uncomfortable with projects that involve electricity, and if that’s the case with you, it’s time to call the experts at Action Door Service—we’d love to discuss how we can help safely install your new garage door keypad in Rancho Cordova, CA.
A garage door keypad can be a great addition to any family’s home because it can provide an additional sense of freedom and accessibility. Working with customers over the last 33 years has helped give us the experience we need to assist any client who wants to have one installed, while also providing a top level of service and reliability. Get in touch to schedule your appointment!