Every homeowner knows that performing regular home maintenance is crucial. It keeps your house safe, functional and in good condition all year round. Generally, preventative maintenance tasks should be adjusted according to the season, and this principle applies to garage doors. Check doors before summer and again prior to the start of winter for issues like air leaks, loose weather stripping and damage to the door itself. Winter weather can make garages feel like commercial walk-in freezers and impact the temperature inside the house. A good seal and insulation material will block outside air from getting inside your garage and home.
There’s a lot that homeowners can do themselves, but when in doubt, call a professional for garage door maintenance. Here are some reasons why it’s so important to winterize your garage doors in Rancho Cordova, CA:
- Reduce cracks in weather stripping: Hot and dry California summers can cause weather stripping on garage doors to crack and tear. Take a look at the rubber seal around the sides and bottom of your door for damage. If there’s damage to any part of the weather stripping, then you will soon see excessive wear and tear. This leads to rough impacts, loss of lubrication and exposure to dirt, dust, other debris, rain and wind.
- Minimize weather damage: Another issue brought on by the hot, dry summer months is the formation of small cracks in garage door panels and around garage door windows. Unfortunately, these small cracks can be difficult to locate and fix. To be sure your door is properly winterized, hire a garage door technician to inspect your door and make any needed repairs. They’ll apply a filler material or caulk. When you replace old weather stripping, moisture, dust and dirt are blocked from getting inside the garage. New weather stripping also reduces the chances of door damage.
- Reduce door noise: Is your garage door noisy? To stop excessive garage door opener and indoor noise, have your home’s garage door winterized by an experienced technician. Check the tracks, chains and opener for issues, lubricate springs and hinges and make sure the door is properly insulated.
- Help the door last longer: Did you know that winterizing your garage door can prevent unexpected malfunctions? It also helps extend its lifespan. Replace weather seals, if needed, and also lubricate springs to minimize corrosion brought about by exposure to harsh wind and rain. You can avoid warping, rotting, cracking and other types of damage to garage door panels, windows and the doorframe. Simply inspect and remove dried-out caulk and replace missing or damaged weather stripping.
- Protect vehicles and belongings: Repairs can minimize weather damage to your garage door and protect the things inside the garage. Install a new insulated garage door to protect your vehicles and belongings from problems caused by cold weather, including dead car batteries, thickening engine fluids and fluctuating tire air pressure.
To learn more about winterizing your garage doors in Rancho Cordova, CA, don’t wait to contact Action Door Service. Call to schedule a service appointment today!